Our history

Once upon a time Don Juan Manuel Wong , who fell in love with the shape, the color and above all the unique and special flavor of the Kent mango. It was love at first sight. He immediately had the vision of starting a great adventure and sharing this magical Kent mango to Europe and Asia, with the aim of sharing it with the entire world and many generations.

For more than 30 years we have continued to preserve the best standards and the highest quality of Kent mangoes, which has given us the privilege of delivering them to millions of homes around the world.

Now in his honor, Señor Mango is created by his daughters to be able to share the best experience and flavor so unique in our own country.

Mr. Mango

The time has come to share with all of you this Premium quality, harvested one by one, with all the care and love, as we were taught since we were little.

Enjoy them!
We are Mr. Mango, nice to meet you!